Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Clothing Sale - 20% off!

Kate Quinn Organics - boys & girls, sizes 0-3M - 6-12M, sale price $16-$26

Room Seven - girls, sizes from 12M-5Y, sale price $20-64
Appaman - boys, sizes from 2T-5T, sale price $25-$48
EGG Baby - boys & girls, sizes from 6-12M - 5Y, sale price $11.20-$43.20
Joah Love - for boys & girls, sizes from 12M-5T, sale price $19-$44

Kicky Pants - boys & girls, sizes from 0-3M -2T, sale price $16-$24

This is just the start of it, so many other great brands on sale right now! We are prepaering for our Fall deliveries, so we need to move out Summer items! We have sold through quite a bit already, so don't miss out!! We hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Buy One Get One Free on all Envirosax!!!!

will hold at least 50 lbs.

roll and go

Cookie Monster, Elmo, and Grover

great for Mommy too!

Friday, July 1, 2011

phil&teds NEST is here!!!!!!

We have been waiting for our Nest shipment for so long and the day has finally come, and we are so excited! This is such an inventive product for any expecting parents or grandparents. Thanks to phil&teds easy assembly and even easier accessibility the Nest is a must have product for any new baby in your life! Stop by and see for yourself!

Even Dads will love The Nest!!!

So accessible for travel or at home!

So much storage space in the Nest bag, one more reason that makes the Nest a great product!